Tuesday, June 16, 2009

some bad news today...

Thomas calls me at work to tell me they let go of his boss today. :( Not only was he Thomas' favorite manager, we also developed a friendship with him and his family, so this was not very good news to start work with for Thomas. :( Thomas was recently promoted to the internet manager, and hopefully his job is safe, as we are moving in exactly one month!

Well on a lighter note, the quarter auction was a whole lot of fun!! We didn't win anything! Which stunk, because we definitely went through about 30 dollars in quarters for each of us! But it all went to charity so I don't feel too bad about writing that off in the back account. They had about 6 different vendors, from Pampered Chef, Home Interiors and such and the bids were generally around 50 cents. There were a few things I had my eye on, but alas no win for me. We had fun either way, and it all went to a good friend of our family's scholarship fund in memory of their grandaughter.

Today will be another busy day, last night my manager called and asked if I was able to make it into work this morning at 7 and I was happy to pick up the hours and it only modified my schedule slightly. Once I get off I will head to my Aunt's house to visit with my Nanny and take a trip to see my Aunt Juls in the nursing home. Then we're shopping for my uncle's birthday, totally last minute since his party is right after that! And hopefully that won't end too late so I can make it to the gym before 9. Thomas worked a double shift today so that his partner could have off so he won't be off until 9 so maybe I'll have a chance to comfort him when I get back from the gym!

PS. The antique mirror project totally took longer than I expected, the painter's tape apparently didn't cover everything somehow, or the mirror shifted and paint dried all over some of the edges of the mirror. So I'm still working at carefully chipping that off, and then I'll post the final product!

Have a happy Tuesday!

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